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Twinkling StarTwinkling StarTwinkling StarWelcome To Mr. A.'s Earth Science Website!!!Twinkling StarTwinkling StarTwinkling Star

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Just Added!!!

Click here to see you current number of completed, satisfactory labs for Marking Period 3 of Spring 2012 (listed by 9-digit I.D. #). Updated: 5/25/12

The Blinking Construction Sign  Please Note:  This website is still under construction.  The Blinking Construction Sign

Where would you like to go?

Twinkling StarThe new Earth Science Reference Tables - This is link for downloading or printing the 2010 edition of the New York State Earth Science Reference Tables packet in the pdf format.

Twinkling StarThe Calendar - This is a calendar that includes class related information, such as exam dates, lessons, and homeworks.  This information might change slightly, but this is an approximate idea of where we are/will be.

Twinkling StarMr. Altschuler's Teaching Schedule and Office Hours - This is my schedule.  Please do not interrupt any classes if you need to see me!  You can talk to me during a free period, before a class starts, or after a class ends. 

Twinkling StarLinks - These are websites that I think are interesting and useful.

Twinkling StarNew York State Earth Science Regents Information - This includes the date and time of this years regents (as soon as I find out), study information, and websites to practice regents. It also includes information to study from the Practicle.

Twinkling StarLesson Information - This is additional notes related to the day's lesson.  This is a good place to go if you miss a day!

Twinkling StarHomework - This is a list of homework assignments.  This is another good place to go if you miss a day!

Twinkling StarChapter Review - This will give you things to review for the tests.

Twinkling StarExam Information - This will include answers to the different versions of tests and quizzes, as well as the statistics (including highest score, lowest score, average score, and so on, for each class and everyone together).  Please note:  if you are looking for the answers before the test or quiz is given, you will not find it here!

Twinkling StarWrite To Me - Contact me via e-mail.  Envelopepen